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You can get the Belgian nationality automatically  or get it voluntarily. You can also lose your Belgian nationality. The relevant legislation is complex and the Federal Public Service Justice is responsible on these issues. In case you have any doubt on your specific case, please contact us.

Read more on the FPS Foreign Affairs website

Be on time!

Sometimes it is important that you take an action on time. Contact us if you think you could fall under one of the following cases :

  1. You are a Belgian citizen born abroad, and you have never (really) lived in Belgium as an adult. You could lose your Belgian nationality when you turn 28. Contact us on time to avoid losing your Belgian nationality.
  2. You are a Belgian citizen born abroad, and have children. Your child does not automatically have the Belgian nationality. If your child was born abroad, it is possible that he/she does not have Belgian nationality. Some children can become Belgian citizens, but only before the age of 5. Contact us on time.
  3. A child can only get the Belgian nationality from his parents if you are the legal parent under Belgian law. Foreign birth certificates are not always valid under Belgian law. The risk is greater if you are not officially married, if you or your partner were previously married, or if the birth was never been registered with a Belgian consulate. Contact us in case you have any doubt.